Wheeling, WV — The 15th State Park Leadership School (SPLS) returned to a pre-pandemic level of park participation on January 8. The registration number of 153 students, (83 Year I, 70 Year II) was only seven less in total than the record enrollment in January 2020. This number is essentially at the limit of the facilities for the National Training Center at Oglebay Park. Combined with previous schools, 887 participants from 47 states and four Canadian provinces have now attended at least one year of the SPLS. That is quite a record. It was especially great to have two participants attend for the first time this year from the Great State of Mississippi. That leaves only three states that have not participated in the SPLS. By all indicators and evaluations, the School this year was well received. Congratulations to Year II participant Mickey Rea, the North Region Manager for Indiana State Parks, on receiving the topic academic honors.
The SPLS is a two-year certificate program by the N.C. State University Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management consists of both distance education and on-site components. Founded in 2007, the State Park Leadership School was formed with hopes to fill a void that was trending due to the baby boomer generation of state park employees approaching retirement. Assistant Park Managers, as well as people coming in from other industries, were in need of professional development in order to step into park manager and other leadership positions. Ideal students include new supervisors, mid-level managers moving into greater responsibilities, and high-potential employees. The program covers core competencies that are essential to effective professional state park management. For the 14th consecutive year, STIHL, Inc., provided invaluable support for the SPLS. Again, this year Roger Phelps, who manages corporate communications for STIHL, Inc. volunteered to lead classes and discussions in public communications, special events management, and more.
A primary key to the success of the SPLS has been the stellar participation by the active directors and experienced park practitioners who serve and the regents/faculty. Regent terms of service are for three-years; four regent rotate off each year. Special appreciation is extend to Melissa Baker, Virginia; Linda Lanterman, Kansas; Bob Paquette, Rhode Island-retired; and Lisa Sumption, Oregon, as they completed their current term of service. Special appreciation again this year to Matt Whitlow and to Erin Adair for the technical support from N.C. State University. The School also welcomed a visit by longtime N.C. State professor Dr. Michael Kanters who has assumed the oversight responsibility for the Oglebay Schools.
The 16th SPLS is scheduled for January 7 - 11, 2024. Online registration will be open by September 1. Review more information online or contact School Director Lewis Ledford, or any of the regents.
Serve, Lead, Inspire!
View the 2023 Graduation Banquet program including the list of graduating class members.
Roger Phelps presenting certificate to Mickey Rea, Indiana, in recognition of academic honors
Top photo: The 2023 Board of Regents from left to right: Lewis Ledford, NC; Linda Lanterman, KS; Roger Phelps,STIHL; Susan Buxton,ID; Kelly Farrell, AR: Lisa Sumption, OR; Priscilla Geigis, MS; Ron Olson, MI; Melissa Baker, VA; Glen Cobb, OH; Rodney Franklin,TX; Sherry DiMuccio, Oglebay NTC; Craig Seaver, VA; Donald Forgione, FL