NASPD 2021 Conference

Laurel Hill State Park, PA

Welcome to the Laurel Highlands

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Directors and Conference Attendees,

What a difference a year makes! What an impact COVID-19 made in 2020. Many of you had registered for the September 2020 conference which, sadly, was cancelled. Though by all reports the virtual conference was well-received, it is not the same as spending time together and the sharing of opportunities that an in-person conference provides. We are very pleased that it has worked out for Pennsylvania to host us in the scenic Laurel Highlands region in 2021.


Directors and Conference Attendees:

After rescheduling our host state responsibilities for an on-site in-person conference in 2020 due to the COVID 19 pandemic, I’m pleased to announce that the Pennsylvania State Parks team is in final planning and preparation mode for the 2021 National Association of State Parks Directors Conference. The past year of personal and professional challenges and triumphs in our lives certainly has no parallel. To reconvene state parks leadership and industry professionals in person in the beautiful landscape of the Laurel Highlands is our worthy and important goal.