We are looking forward to your participation in the 2020 National Association of State Park Directors (NASPD) Virtual Conference on Dec. 9 & 10th.
We will be using the Whova Virtual Event Platform which you can now access through your desktop web browser (Web App) and/or through our free mobile app. Here are a quick attendee guide and video walkthrough highlighting key features of the event platform, such as:
- Desktop App: https://whova.com/portal/webapp/naosp_202109/
- Mobile App: https://whova.com/portal/iispc_201705
Already used the Whova app at another event in the past? Double-check that it is installed on your phone, and log in using your email and password. If you have issues, you can email support@whova.com and they can assist you.
We look forward to seeing you soon at the 2020 NASPD Virtual Conference!
Get our official conference app,
Get the most out of the app and have a more productive experience!
NAVIGATE the event agenda and logistics, even without Wi-Fi or data. Access useful information like ridesharing and local attractions through the Community Board
NETWORK effectively. Plan whom to meet by exploring attendee profiles and sending out messages
PARTICIPATE in event activities through session likes, comments, ratings, live polling, tweeting, and more